Artist Statement

Old books, receipts, newspapers, tissues, tape, rice paper, stamps, maps, magazines, cardboard, thread, rusted washers and nails, sheet music, produce bags…the list goes on. Using these common elements in a new way is my fascination. Collage offers the opportunity to look anew at both the ephemeral and the enduring items of the everyday world. I love working with all these things that at one time had meaning and value but are now no longer useful in their original intent. These old things have hidden histories and mystery. Finding new value, new beauty and new meaning brings me inspiration. I work in layers…adding, subtracting, looking for that elusive conclusion that reveals the meaning of the piece. What was thrown away finds a new life in my studio even if it is simply for texture under a layer of paint. Look closely – you may be surprised by what you find.
Website designed by Charles Ringham